Hong Kong stocks – #stocks chatter


Hong Kong stocks
Multi-sector positive, the leader in the property management circuit: Aoyuan Health [03662.HK](https://03662.HK)

1. The future performance growth of most companies in the sector is deterministic, which is reflected as a forward-looking indicator of the performance reservoir of property management companies-contract area/area under management is still relatively ideal, especially for the head with strong developer support Property management company;
2. The performance guidance provided by property management companies for the next three years is generally high. Specifically, the arithmetic average of the 2021 net profit growth guidance is 52%, and the median is 50%;
3. The state supports the development of the property management industry, which is reflected in encouraging property management companies to develop community value-added services and partially liberalize the pricing of property fees;
4. Property management companies were included in the Southbound Stock Connect and Hang Seng Index Co., Ltd. launched the \[Hengsheng Industry Service and Management Index\], which attracted more incremental funds (south capital, passive funds, etc.) for the sector, thereby further improving the property management sector Liquidity and attractiveness.

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