πŸ“šπŸŽ“In 2020, in the #EU, 9 in 10 aged 15-19 years were still in #education (89.5%). The older th


πŸ“šπŸŽ“In 2020, in the #EU, 9 in 10 aged 15-19 years were still in #education (89.5%). The older the age, the smaller the proportion of people in education: πŸ”Ή49.5% aged 20-24 years,πŸ”Ή14.4% aged 25-29 years andπŸ”Ή 4.8% aged 30-34 years.
πŸ‘‰ h/t EU_Eurostat

πŸ“šπŸŽ“In 2020, in the #EU, 9 in 10 aged 15-19 years were still in #education (89.5%). The older th

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