Home Premium Crypto Todays Market News – #marketnews

Todays Market News – #marketnews

Todays Market News – #marketnews


1- We had a monster rally yesterday helping our weekly gains finally be in the green after a terrible 6 red weeks in a row.
Today however premarket is lower as the
volatility continues.

2- The Dow mainly was down due to target
dropping about 20% from a big earnings miss due to inflation.

3- Yesterday Powell stated at his conference that the fed won’t hesitate to keeping hiking interest rates until inflation comes down.

4- This of course rose the 10 year yield as it
started hovering around 3% once more.

5- Jamie Dimon CEO of chases $52.6 million bonus was disapproved.

6- Along with target, lowes and Home Depot dropped premarket putting more pressure on the retail industry.

7- Walmart dropped the biggest one day loss Since 1987 yesterday so Walmart will
continue to be on watch.

8- There’s not much else news that’s happening today it’s pretty calm. We need to watch the 4K level on the S&P 500 and 12k on the Nasdaq to see if they both hold because if they break then more downside may be coming.