Home market US Jan jobs data comes in weaker than expected on headlines at 49k vs 105k exp. Moreover, there were

US Jan jobs data comes in weaker than expected on headlines at 49k vs 105k exp. Moreover, there were

US Jan jobs data comes in weaker than expected on headlines at 49k vs 105k exp. Moreover, there were

US Jan jobs data comes in weaker than expected on headlines at 49k vs 105k exp. Moreover, there were net downward revisions of 159K to the prior 2mths. The participation rate also fell by a tenth to 61.4% (61.5% exp). Silver lining was the unemployment rate, which dipped to 6.3% h/t Holger Zschaepitz

US Jan jobs data comes in weaker than expected on headlines at 49k vs 105k exp. Moreover, there were

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