Hexagon Composites (HXGCF) company (Hexagon Purus) was just selected by Nikola to supply hydrogen cylinders for a multi year period – #stocks chatter


Hexagon Composites (HXGCF) company (Hexagon Purus) was just selected by Nikola to supply hydrogen cylinders for a multi year period
Just as the title reads. This Norwegian company is quite under the radar. I believe there is a solid chance they could be huge. A story came out in November that Hexagon would supply composite high-pressure cylinders for the development of the first hydrogen powered commuter train in the U.S. The potential for this to have a $20 billion market cap in the near future is there. I don’t believe the market cap of just over $1 billion (About $6 a share) that its currently worth represents its value in this current investing environment. I also believe there’s a good chance they’ll be uplisting in the near future.

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