$RMED 37% short with $25M market cap. Make your money squeeze harder! – #stocks chatter


$RMED 37% short with $25M market cap. Make your money squeeze harder!
$RMED is the second most shorted stock, 2% behind WKHS at 37% of float shorted. But it should be first on your buy list and here's why. I strongly believe $AMC is going to cool off for the next few weeks after that momentous move this week. Right now, shorted stocks are what is hot and $RMED is the best option for the highest squeeze with the least effort. $RMED's market cap is $25M compared to $WKHS at $1.59B. This means your money to squeeze the fuck out of the greedy HFs will go 64x further vs $WKHS. So $1,000 = $64,000!!! Meaning if the same money that makes WKHS go up 4% goes to $RMED, the share price could go up 256% if no one sells! And that is just 4%! We saw a huge jump in volume and i believe this squeeze we be insain because of how small that stock is. It is flying under the radar because a lot of websites don't track these small market cap stocks. Get in this shit so we can eat up these shorts and make some fat tendies! (I like the stock) Getting the word out to all the pages I follow. Fucking all in Monday! 🚀🚀🚀



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