Omg WSB made it into fortune cookies 🥠 – #marketnews


We’ve done it boys. Since automod requires me to add more text since this is my first post, let me tell you how I came to open the fortune cookie. It was a late night, I look in my fridge and all I have is some old bacon and expired milk. Not good. But then I see something in the bottom left corner, it’s a plastic bag. I grab the plastic bag, then open the plastic bag, and you know what I find inside???? Anyone?? Yup, another plastic bag. How freakin exciting. So I continue to open that, and behold, a fortune cookie to save me from my starvation. - If you’re still reading this then idk what you were expecting, but I’ve got a good flow going so might as well continue. - I open the decadent treat and start licking the outside like the animal I am. Enjoying every lick until I get to the center of that yellow cracker. After about 69 licks, I’m like alright enough. I gave into my raw temptation and bit into it like I bite barks of tree in the winter. The flavor overwhelmed me. I dropped to my knees and starting crying from the rush of stimulation and following that, emotion. That’s when I saw it, the paper floating down to where I was kneeling. After reading the message, i proceeded to hold myself, because everyone that I cared about has died of testicular cancer. Amen

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