Eavesdropping on human thoughts – #Future



Humans are always transmitting our thoughts to outside world even without speaking. If we can make a device Which is able to listen in to those thoughts that would make lots of opportunities in the defence sector.


As per my experience, kids are highly receptiable to human thoughts. If you sit next to a child with lots of annoying thoughts, you can see changes in kids behaviour as kids starts to feel uncomfortable near you.

In the same way if you sit next to a child with very pleasant feeling or maybe without any thoughts you can see that kids also tend to stay calm.

This observation make me believe that our thoughts are being transferred out of our body through some from of energy.

1. Identified the medium of data transfer
2. I’m assuming that the signal would be really week so before processing we should enhance the signal to a desired level
3. Error correction
4. Interpretation

Tags: #HumanBody #Signals #DataTransmission

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