Home market Economy 💰In Q4 2021, at least 20% of the population of the Member States with available data could make e

💰In Q4 2021, at least 20% of the population of the Member States with available data could make e

💰In Q4 2021, at least 20% of the population of the Member States with available data could make e

💰In Q4 2021, at least 20% of the population of the Member States with available data could make ends meet easily or very easily, except for 🇧🇬Bulgaria, where this share was 4.4%. The highest percentage was observed in 🇫🇮Finland (43.7%).
👉 h/t EU_Eurostat

💰In Q4 2021, at least 20% of the population of the Member States with available data could make e

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